Large Recurring AGA Tournaments
This is a brief, non-comprehensive list of a few of the current and regularly occurring noteworthy tournaments. For a list of event dates see the events calendar. This list is currently under construction.
US Open (Go Congress)
Open to all AGA players and held at go congress annually.
North American Masters (Go Congress)
Top players are invited to play in this tournament which is held at go congress annually.
Burning Board (June) (Raleigh, NC)
Gotham Go Tournament (April) (New York, NY)
Maryland Open (April) (Catonsville, MD)
New England Open (Fall) (Boston, MA)
Chicago Open (Spring) and Chicago Rapid (Fall) (Evanston, IL)
Midwest Open (January) (OH)
South Central Go Tournament (Plano, TX)
King Cup (November) (San Diego, CA)
Zheng Cup (April) (Irvine, CA)