Welcome to the premier annual event of the American Go Association!
US Go Congress
Kent State, Ohio • July 8th - 16th
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If you had selected that please retake the survey.
If you have not taken it, there is more time. Please take the Congress Banquet Survey Banquet Survey
Please complete this TWO question survey by Monday night (July 3).
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The U.S. Go Congress is the largest Go activity in North America. It happens once a year and spans one week. Events include the US Open, professional lectures and game analysis, continuous self-paired games, and all kinds of Go-related activities from morning to midnight. Come for the Go. Come for the camaraderie of old friends. Whatever your reason, we are looking forward to seeing you there!
This year, the Congress is being held at Kent State University about an hour south of Cleveland, Ohio. It's a large university campus with plenty of housing, food options, and amenities. The Congress will be taking over the entire Student Center for the week. There are many attractions and activities to do in the surrounding area, so it's an ideal summer vacation destination for players and non-players alike.