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Chris Garlock | Published on 6/7/2004
KYUNG-SIK KIM WINS HOUSTON SPRING TOURNEY: Kyung-sik 6d was undefeated in the Open section, winning the May 22 Houston Go Club92s Spring Tournament in Houston, Texas. Thirty-one players participated, including four students (three of whom were 9 years old or younger) from St. Catherine‘s Montessori, which hosted the event. 93All the youth players were very excited about participating in a real tournament and couldn92t wait to play in our next one,94 reports Houston Go Club President John Eckelkamp. 93We look forward to their return.94 Complete results:
- Open Section: 1st: Kim, Kyung-sik 6d; 2nd: Xie, Rui 3d; 3rd: Peng, Mike 5d
- Handicap Section One: 1st: Sun, Stephen 4k; 2nd: Yi, Kevin 2k; 3rd Feng, Steve 4k
- Handicap Section Two: 1st: Rouen, Michael 27k; 2nd: Folsam, Brian 15k; 3rd: Jensen, Carey 12k
- Youth Section: 1st: Penny, Leo 35k; 2nd: Sun, Stanley 25k; 3rd: Jhin, Jackson 39k; 4th: Lehotsky, Daniel 40k

JASON GU SWEEPS IN 2ND FENG YUN YOUTH GO TOURNAMENT: Jason Gu 1d swept the top division to take home the championship trophy in the 2nd Feng Yun Youth Go Tournament May 29 in Piscataway, NJ. The events, open to players 18 years old and younger, attracted 71 young players and was directed by Rob Muldowney and Steve Bretherick. Second place went to Jack Yang, a 3d from China who just moved to NJ and was introduced to the Feng Yun Go School just the week before. Jennifer Wu came all the way from Boston to play, and the youngest player was Maxwell Li, just 4-1/2 years old, who played in the 13x13 group.
     A number of volunteer parents helped with drinks, snacks, and pizza for lunch, reports Co-Director Steve Bretherick. 93Thanks especially to Vicky Chang, who made sure all the kids knew where to sit and what to do, and who rang the bell whenever quiet was required.94 Parents waited patiently outside the playing room for their turn to use a limited number of “observation passes,” Bretherick reports. 93The result was good decorum, good sportsmanship and a lot of fun for all.94 For more information and tournament pictures see:
     Complete results:
- Division A: 1st: GU, Jason; 2nd: YANG, Jack; 3rd (tie): HUA, Nelson; SHANG, Kevin
- Division B: 1st-2nd (tie): SHANG, Andrew; LOWRIE, Matthew; 3rd (tie): WANG, Andrew; XIA, Daniel; CHANG, Justin; LI, Anton; MARKOWITZ, Jonathan
- Division C: 1st: TRIEU, Nicholas; 2nd: LIN, Eric; 3rd (tie): MOLE, Edward; WU, Tiffany; ZHU, Daniel; TSE, Matthew
- Division D: 1st-3rd (tie): ZHU, Sherry; ZHANG, June; WU, Eric
13X13 TOURNAMENT. 6-player round-robin on 5 tables (7 players on table 5)
Table 1: 1st-2nd (tie): WU, Jessie; WU, Catherine; 3rd: HU, Jeffrey
Table 2: 1st: LI, Zachary; 2nd (tie): VEL, Sudhir, DONG, Albert, LIN, Maverick
Table 3: 1st: ZHAO, Michael; 2nd: GAO, Daniel; 3rd: ZHU, Catherine;
Table 4: 1st-2nd (tie): JIANG, Claudia; HOU, Calvin; 3rd(tie): XU, Andy; CHEN, Sophia
Table 5: 1st: ZHANG, Shannon; 2nd: ZHANG, Amy; 3rd: GAO, Kevin

GHERMAN TOPS IN CHI: Sorin Gherman 8d took top honors in the June 5 Summer Tournament in Chicago, Illinois. 93For our 40th tournament, we had 40 players,94 reports Bob Barber. 93Kinda spooky.94 Adds Barber, 93Al Mishlove, my aide-de-camp these last 12 years, has decided that the Chicago summers are too hot and humid, and so he‘s moving to Florida. We will all miss him.94
- 1st Place Dan: GHERMAN, Sorin 8d; 1st Place Low Kyu: OLY, James 8k; 2nd Place Low Kyu: WALL, Philip 4k; 1st Place Mid Kyu (tie): WANG, Ryan 14k; ZHANG, Richard 14k; 2nd Place Mid Kyu: BAKER, James 19k; 1st Place High Kyu: LIBERMAN, Stan 24k.

THE KIDS ARE ONLINE: More than 25 youth go clubs are now battling it out in the The 3rd Annual RSC Cup, reports organizer Christopher Vu. 93An online team tournament aimed at secondary school students, this program sponsored by the Sea Otter Go Club is aimed at promoting America‘s youth to form clubs nationwide,94 says Vu. The turnout more than quadruples the six teams that participated in the first tournament two years ago. Just as in more traditional high school sports, intense rivalries have already developed, Vu reports. 93One of the long-standing school feuds occurs between Monta Vista HS of Cupertino, California and Clear Lake HS of Houston, TX. Both of these schools have a representative on the Sea Otter Go Club‘s board of directors and both faced off in the finals in 2002 and 2003,94 with the Clear Lake team taking top honors both times. While Monta Vista says it intends to bring home the trophy this year, Vu reports that 93new states like New York, Michigan, and Illinois are stepping up to the plate in an attempt to wrest the prize from the 91old blood.92” And with the inclusion of Vincent Massey HS in Canada, the tournament has now gone international. Cheer and follow the progress of your favorite team on at http://www.geocit

7 OVERSEAS PROS CONFIRMED FOR GO CONGRESS: Seven pros from Japan, Korea and Japan have confirmed their attendance at this year92s U.S. Go Congress in Rochester, reports organizer Greg Lefler. Saijo Masataka 8P will be joining the ever-popular Nakayama Noriyuki 6P and Maeda Ryo 6P in the Japanese delegation, while Korea is sending Jinyeul Park 8P and Daehyun Cho 9P. Hua Yigang 8P and Zhao Yuhong 5P are the Chinese professionals scheduled to attend. More info on the Congress at: http://www.usgo.o rg/congress/index.asp

KOREAN STUDENT SEEKS GO HOME: A strong go-playing exchange student from South Korea is seeking an American host family for the academic year beginning next September. So Young Park is an active member of her local Baduk Club at home, says Oksana Pavliouk, Regional Director of PAX - Program of Academic Exchange. 93Students attend the local high school and participate fully in family life. All they ask for is a family with an open heart, an extra bed and place to study!94 Find out more about So Young Park at http://site35754. and more about PAX at http://www.pax.or g Contact Ms. Pavliouk at 800-555-6211 ext. 302 or email And please let us know how this works out; we may want to follow Ms. Park92s American go adventures in the EJ; email us at

     Go teacher Mark Erickson died in an automobile accident May 26, reports Central New York Go Club organizer Anton Ninno. 93Mark was an English teacher at Jamesville-Dewitt Middle School,94 says Anton. 93He started a go program there, and also played go with students in his classroom during lunch periods.94 Erickson attended the CNY Go Club last winter to learn the game in preparation for teaching his students, joined The Scholastic Go Project Blackboard and obtained go equipment for his class from the AGA. This spring, although he wasn92t able to attend the club because he was teaching a scuba diving class on Monday nights, 93Recently, Mark said he might come back to the club over the summer. Sadly, that won‘t happen now,94 says Ninno, who adds 93We continue to welcome his students to our club.94 Erickson is on the right, in the red shirt, in this week92s AGA homepage photo, courtesy of Ninno.

AGA MEMBERSHIP DOWN AGAIN: Membership in the American Go Association declined for the second straight month in May, dropping to 1,981 members. Both full and limited memberships dropped slightly last month, as did youth memberships, although the number of sustainers increased. It‘s not yet clear whether the two-month decline is a “statistical bump” caused by delayed paperwork on members joining/renewing at tournaments, or evidence of a longer-term leveling off of the wave of interest sparked by Hikaru no go and “A Beautiful Mind.”

TAKIN’ IT TO THE STREETS: When go players hit the road for summer vacations, what‘s the best traveling equipment? These days our options include magnetic, slotted, folding and roll-up vinyl boards. What‘s your favorite and why? Or which one(s) have you tried and found wanting? Let us know what you think in 200 words or less. If accepted, reviewers receive a $25 go vendor gift certificate. Send to us at


YODA TAKES ONE IN THE HONINBO: Yoda Norimoto 9p and current Meijin has managed to win a game in the 59th Honinbo Title Match, making the score 1 to 2 in favor of Cho U 9p, the title holder. Yoda had Black and was able to force a resignation. Game four of the seven-game match will be on June 17 and 18.

PLAYING FAST IN JAPAN: The preliminary round of 34 players in the 11th Japanese Agon Cup, a lightning go tournament, is nearing completion of its third round. On June 3rd, Mizokami Tomochika 7p, who defeated Michael Redmond 9p in the first round, defeated Sakai Hideyuki 6p, the former World Amateur Champion, by resignation. Also winning in the third round were Yamada Takuji 7p, Otake Hideo 9p, Kobayashi Koichi 9p, Nakano Hironari 9p, and Awaji Shuzo 9p.

BATTLE OF THE KOREAN NEW STARS CONTINUES: The sixteen player preliminary knockout tournament in the 4th Korean New Star Cup is proceeding. Ko Geuntae 2p made it onto the finalists list by winning the first four games in the series, as we reported on May 24th. Yun Jaewoong 2p, who defeated Ko, was immediately defeated by Hong Jangsik 4p. Hong then managed to beat An Dalhun 5p, also earning a spot on the finalists list (two wins are necessary to get into the finals). Hong next lost to Kwon Omin 5p, who was defeated in turn by Yun Junsang 2p. Yun must play Heo Yeongho 3p on June 10th, as this struggle among the up and coming young Korean players continues.

RUI NAIWEI TO FACE LEE SEDO: Rui Naiwei 9p defeated Ko Geuntae 2p in the first round of the 9th Chunwon tournament in Korea on June 4th, winning by just a half point. In the next round she will be matched against Lee Sedol 9p, who defeated Yoo Jaehyeong 6p in the first round. Rui lost to Lee on June 2nd in the 23rd KBS Cup tournament, so she is getting a chance to even the score. Game records can be found at http://igo-kisen. and http://igo-kisen.

KOREANS DOMINATE FUJITSU CUP: The third round of the 17th Fujitsu Cup was held in Beijing on June 5th. No Chinese players had survived to this round, and the Koreans continued to dominate, winning three of the four games. But the big news was the defeat of Lee Changho of Korea by Yoda Norimoto, Japanese Meijin. Yoda won by 3.5 points playing White, preventing an all Korean semi-finals. The four players heading into the semi-finals on July 3rd in Tokyo are Yoda, Song Taekon 7p, Yoo Changhyuk 9p, and Park Yeonghun 5p. Game records for this round can be found at http://www.go4go. net/english/

COMPUTER OLYMPIAD IN ISRAEL INCLUDES GO: The International Computer Games Association is holding the 9th Computer Olympiad at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat-Gan, Israel on July 4-8. This is a multi-games event in which all the participants are computer programs. Go on the full-size board as well as on the 9x9 board is included. For more information see http://www.cs.uni

MICHAEL YAO WINS SWEDISH CHAMPIONSHIP: Henric Bergsaker reports in that the 2004 Swedish Championship was played on May 29 to 31 in Satra Brunn, an 18th century spa complex that the Swedish Go Association is proposing as a site for a future European Go Congress. Michael Yao 5d took first place, winning all six games. Ulf Olsson 4d was second with four wins. Third was Martin Li 5d, also with four wins, followed by Carl Joh Ragnarsson 3d and Erik Ouchterlong 3d with four wins each. Complete results are given at /uppgo/sm04-resultat.html A terrific collection of photos from the tournament (by Kristian Lindgren) can be found at http://frt.fy.cha

GO HALL OF FAME FOUNDED: John Powers reports on the home page of the Nihon Kiin that the Kiin has created a Go Hall of Fame, in celebration of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Kiin. The first four selections have been announced: First, Honinbo Sansa, who founded the Honinbo house in the seventeenth century, one of the four “houses” of the classical period of go in Japan; Sansa was also the first godokoro or Minister of Go. Second, Honinbo Dosaku, fourth head of the Honinbo house, who made significant advances in go theory, especially in the opening. Third, Honinbo Shusaku, the greatest player in the golden age of go in the middle of the 19th century and creator of the famous “Shusaku fuseki”; Shusaku was never defeated in the Castle Games, winning nineteen times, an unparalled record. And fourth, Tokugawa Ieyasu, the warlord who unified Japan at the beginning of the seventeenth century and made possible the flowering of go during the Edo period by extending government patronage to the top players, even establishing an official government officer: the Minister of Go.

    This week we have a treat for the many fans of go teacher Yilun Yang 7P. In addition to a thorough game analysis by Mr. Yang, we also have the latest set of his wonderful life-and-death problems created especially for E-Journal readers.
     The game is between David Wong 1d and a rapidly improving 5k player, Ethan Baldridge, who just takes Black and nearly scores an upset. Ethan has been only been playing a year but is determined to make shodan by the Go Congress; judging by his play in this game he may well make it! Mr. Yang92s detailed commentary provides the best moves for both players, as well as plenty of variations.
     Look for the life-and-death problem solutions next week!
To view the attached .sgf file(s), simply save the file(s) to your computer and then open using an .sgf reader such as Many Faces of Go or SmartGo. Readers who need .sgf readers can get them for most platforms at Jan van der Steen‘s /sgfeditors.html

by Sheila Wendes
     Eleven-year-old George had failed to learn how to read, and his behaviour was violent, unpredictable and increasingly worrying his teachers and foster parents. Last summer I agreed to tutor George; I have a background in teaching children with emotional and behavioural difficulties and, having discovered go since giving up teaching, I92d often thought the game might be a useful educational tool.
     When I told George on my first visit that we would not be doing any reading or writing at all that day, I saw him visibly relax. I began by teaching him First Capture Go and he caught on quickly and enthusiastically played about a dozen games. George was clearly delighted to be relieved of the burden of his inability to read or write. The patterns of the stones liberated his imagination and creativity and he could try out ideas safely. 93After all,94 I told him. 94Nobody loses in go 96 every time you play you learn something new!94
     George92s homework was to teach his foster-father the rules of Atari Go and then to play a game a day and keep a record of the results with coloured stickers. This was the first time George had had anything to teach to an adult, a new experience that was obviously very empowering and good for building George‘s self-esteem. George‘s victories helped him begin to think other things might be possible as well.
     Since then, I have visited each week for four months. We have moved on to the 19x19 board. George has learnt about making territory, life and death on the board, has been happy to beat me with a nine stone handicap and ecstatic in beating his foster-parents on a level playing field. He arrives smiling each day clutching his board and stones, go puzzles and books. We have also incorporated some reading and writing into our activities, because success at go has changed George92s attitude towards himself.
- the original version of this article appears in the Spring edition of the British Go Journal; http://www.britgo org/


WANTED: Go teacher. Prefer in person in NYC area, will consider online. Currently 9 kyu on KGS. Please contact with rates and experience. (6/7)

WANTED : Looking for a copy of “The Breakthrough to Shodan”, by Naoki
Miyamoto. Please contact Maurice at (6/7)

AVAILABLE: Fridgego limited-edition 9x9 magnetic go set for fridge/filing cabinet. $18 + shipping; available late 2004/early 2005, but reserve sets by email now; first come, first served: Peter Wendes; You can check out Fridgeplay‘s range of games & artwork at http://www.fridge (5/31/)

WANTED: Go teacher in the Hagerstown, MD area (midway between Baltimore MD and Chambersburg PA). E-mail (5/31)

WANTED: Modern Joseki and Fuseki Vols 1 and 2. CT Campbell; (5/31)

WANTED: Go players in the Augusta, GA area, for playing and possible chapter; email Wesley Stewart at (5/31)

WANTED: Go players in Jacksonville, Fl. area interested in regular, live, game sessions. Contact (5/31)

WANTED: Go players in or around Downers Grove, IL. 23k willing to play with anyone who wants a friendly game or will teach those in the area who want to learn. e-mail Kevin Steinbach at (5/31)

WANTED: Go players in the Jacksonville, Florida area; email Paul Swanson and Robert Tubbs at (5/24)

AVAILABLE: Free evaluation lesson with a 5 dan on any server, For more info, email (5/24)

WANTED: Anyone in the Bridgeport, Connecticut area interested in getting involved in a program to teach go to children. Please contact Jonathan Glass at for more information. (5/17)

WANTED: A club or individual near Sonora, California that would be willing to introduce go to a friend of mine. Send contact information to Rob Muldowney at (5/10)

WANTED: Go players in the Ft. Myers area; I‘m interested in starting a club, contact (5/10)

Got go stuff to sell, swap or want to buy? Do it here and reach over 7,000 Go players worldwide every week at Go Classified! Listing are free and run 4 weeks; send to us at


June 19: Richmond, VA
The Virginia Open
William Cobb 804-740-2191

June 19: Denver, CO
Rocky Mountain Summer GO Tournament
U. Tamm 303-466-2865

June 24-27: Hackensack, NJ
2004 New Jersey Yang 7p Go Workshop
John Stephenson 201-612-0852

July 10th, Austin Tx.
Austin Go Club Annual Tournament

July 24: San Francisco, CA
Northern California Open Go Tournament
Danny Swarzman 415-221-7194
AGTC Event

August 1-7: Rochester, NY
20th US Go Congress
Greg Lefler 585-278-0705

This is a digest of events for the next month only; for a complete
listing see the Tournament Calendar on the AGA website:
http://www.usgo.o rg/usa/tournaments.asp

For the European Go Calendar see

GET LISTED & BOOST TURN OUT! Got an upcoming event? Reach over 6,000 readers every week! List your Go event/news In the E Journal: email details to us at

Ratings are on the web! Check the website; http://www.usgo.o rg for the full list.

GET YOUR TOURNAMENT RATED! Send your tournament data to

AGA CONTACT LIST: For a full list of AGA officers, contacts & their email addresses, go to:
http://www.usgo.o rg/org/index.asp#contactinfo

Published by the American Go Association

Text material published in the AMERICAN GO E JOURNAL may be reproduced by any recipient: please credit the AGEJ as the source. PLEASE NOTE that commented game record files MAY NOT BE published, re-distributed, or made available on the web without the explicit written permission of the Editor of the E-Journal. Please direct inquiries to

Articles appearing in the E-Journal represent the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the American Go Association.

To make name or address corrections, notify us at the email address below. Story suggestions, event announcements, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space, and should be directed to:
Editor: Chris Garlock

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