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Michael Chen prevails as Maryland Open returns

Chris Garlock | Published on 5/30/2023

A strong field celebrated the return of the Maryland Open, the oldest running AGA tournament, last weekend just outside of Baltimore. The 47th Maryland Open attracted 57 players, 16 of whom were 4 dan and above.  Click here for complete results on Leago; sources say the Leago pairing software will be used at the US Open at this year’s US Go Congress, and with a clean digital pairing display and the convenience of players checking their pairing on their phones, the system looks like an excellent tool for tournament directors. TD Todd Heidenreich ran the Maryland Open smoothly using the system for the first time.

Prize winners:
Open Section -  First - Michael Chen 7 dan (5-0); Second - Alan Huang 7 dan
; Third - Alexander Qi 1p
A Section: First - Boyang Chen 5 dan; Second - James Lou 4 dan
B Section: First - Jason Li 1 dan; Second - Alex Fan Cui -3 dan; Third - Jay Lampert -3 dan
C Section: First - Lisa Scott 2 kyu (Kyu Champion); Second - Bob Crites  4 kyu; Third - Tevis Tsai - 1 kyu
D Section: First - Blair Chisolm 5 kyu; Second - Hector Lampert Bates 6 kyu; Third - Joshua Guevin 5 kyu
E Section: First - Ashley Qi 11 kyu (5-0); Second - Ed Caldeira 8 kyu; Third - Colin Eyer 13 kyu

Fighting Spirit Prize - Sarah Crites 4 kyu; Greg Lefler Prize - Feng Yun Go Club

photos; (left): Past AGA President Phil Straus battles next to former AGA Board Member (and this year’s Kyu Champion) Lisa Scott; (top right): Champion Michael Chen 7 dan (right) defeats Alex Qi 1 p in a crucial match; bottom right: A game for all ages.

- report/photos by Keith Arnold, hka

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